AC Plus Admin

From Accelerator for SageCRM

Requirements are the same as Accelerator Pro

but also include

  • Sage CRM Self-Service License

Accelerator Plus License

Manual Install of License

The license for the Accelerator Platform is stored in the "../CustomPages/SageCRMWS/web.config" file.

This file can be edited via any text editor.

The Key value is shown as follows:

<add key="SageCRMAcceleratorPortalLicense" value="y1j+Bjj45oDgS7/UjdA+Sj1j7BAqNWgezWXj3RbB72fypwyjweb1zy7HfIAfWiK9" />

The default license is for one (1) user for trial purposes only and is not included in any purchase.

Please do not install on a live environment prior to any purchase as we cannot provide support without a purchase.

To update your license replace the value setting with the license provided

     <add key="SageCRMAcceleratorPortalLicense" value="yourlicensehere"/>