Accelerator Custom Entities

From Accelerator for SageCRM
Revision as of 11:18, 23 August 2012 by Sagecrmw (talk | contribs)

Accelerator allows you to add in custom Primary entities.

Our testing assumed that the entity was setup using the entity wizard.

Here are the steps

1. Open the web.config file for editing(located in CustomPages/SageCRMWS/)

2. Add in the search entity (max of 6 allowed so you may need to remove one)...we will use an entity call Jobs here.

              <add key="SearchEntities" value="Company,Person,Lead,Cases,Opportunity,Jobs"/>

3. Add in the key values (this is a subset..the full set can be seen in the web.config file for the default entities)

              <add key="jobs_table" value="Jobs"/>
              <add key="jobs_sql" value="( job_description like '#searchsql#%') and pers_deleted is null"/>
              <add key=" jobs_id" value=" jobs_jobid"/>

Re-start Outlook to test.

You may also need to clear the cache on the client side toolbars to see the results.

Here is a complete "Project" entity (created with the Entity Wizard) integration example

               <add key="project_table" value="project"/>
               <add key="project_selectsql" value=""/>
               <add key="project_sql" value="proj_name like '#searchsql#%'  and proj_deleted is null"/>
               <add key="project_id" value="proj_projectid"/>
               //commented out

<add key="project_key" value="1"/> <add key="project_summaryaction" value="Project/ProjectSummary.asp"/>

                 //uncomment this setting if you wish to create your own page. Any custom page would have to cope with how the context is 
                 //sent into the page (via the querystring) and this differs from how Sage CRM itself does this

<add key="projectSummaryPage" value="Project/ProjectSummary.asp"/>

               <add key="project_summaryview" value="project"/>
               <add key="project_listfields" value="proj_name,proj_status"/>
               <add key="project_mailmergeview" value="project"/>
               <add key="project_descfield" value="proj_name"/>
               <add key="project_DataTableFields" value="proj_name,proj_status"/>
               <add key="project_FirstElement" value="proj_name"/>
               <add key="project_subjectfields" value="Project,proj_projectid"/>
               <add key="project_codetag" value="true"/>
               <add key="project_WorkflowName" value=""/>
               <add key="project_WFState" value=""/>