
From Accelerator for SageCRM
Revision as of 16:29, 1 October 2021 by Sagecrmw (talk | contribs)

The NEW menu is available on all menu bars in the task pane.

Clicking on an item loads a modal with the fields on it. The context with which something is created is important as this will preset some fields.

Click Save to Save the record and then the UI will show the summary of this record.

Deduplication is available on the company

and person screens


A. The screen fields are controlled by metadata.

The screens are called "ENTITYOfficeIntNew".

B. To add in a primary custom Entity*

   created using the entity wizard

Open the "...custompages/sagecrmws/web.config"

Edit the line "NewEntities" we add in "Project"

   <add key="NewEntities" value="Company,Person,Lead,Cases,Opportunity,Project" />

C. Screen Scripting


   CreateScript items - Caption, Required,DefaultValue,Readonly (case-sensitive)