Tabs and Lists

From Accelerator for SageCRM
Revision as of 13:42, 14 September 2021 by Sagecrmw (talk | contribs)

The tabs we are referring to here are against the Entity


Hovering over the tabs tells you what is behind it.

Tab list screens can contain a filter and the list.

Users click on the filter icon to see the filter modal.

Case and opportunity screens by default have a filter option. This must be clicked to apply it. (Note: lists as of writing will only display 10 items. Pagination will be available in a future update).

Lists will only display by default 2 columns. To see extra data (if there is any) click on the "Expand" option.

Lists also have an internal and external link allowing you to navigate into that record in the task pane or in CRM.


A. List fields are controlled by the screens "ENTITYOfficeintSmall" in CRM.

B. Tabs are controlled via CRM using the tab group called "ENTITYint"

Caption: Locations Action: customfile Custom File: sagecrmws/ac2020/companylocations.asp

You can add custom (ASP) pages also which render in an iframe.

C. Custom Filters

To update a filter you must create a screen in CRM called


and add fields to that.

Both fields should have the same create script


It should appear like this in Accelerator

The default order is empty You can add in a case_updateddate to the list EG

Users can order the data then by clicking on the column header