Accelerator Install

From Accelerator for SageCRM


  • Sage CRM Requirements

Sage CRM versions 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 supported.

Server Requirements:

You should follow Sage's own requirements on server and DB minimum requirements.

If you are using SSL (https) you must have a valid certificate (certs that require users to install them are not considered valid - typically referred to as self-generated certs)

.Net 4.7.2 should be installed (a windows restart will be required when you do this) and configured to .net4.x or later on the CRM app pool

NOTE: The 32-bit version of ASP.Net is required on the CRM server

See Accelerator_User_Managerment

To configure Sage CRM native Web Services do the following:

  • Select "Administration"
  • Select "System"
  • Select "Web Services"
  • Click "Change" to put the screen in edit mode.
  • Set the screen up as follows:
    • Maximum number of records to return:100 (Actually we would recommend this be less than 10 for any install using CRM's native web-services)
    • Maximum size of request:1000000
    • Make WSDL Available to all: Yes
    • Enable web services:Yes
    • Dropdown fields as strings in WSDL file:Yes
    • Send and return all dates and times in universal time:No
    • Accept web request from IP Address:
    • Force webservice log on:Yes

Note that we changed the 2 fields from the default:

1. Make WSDL Available to all = Yes

2. Force Webservice log on = Yes

  • Click Save to update the system configuration.

The server side components of the install are completed via the install wizard (run as administrator).

 Admin access to the CRM server is required

All users should be out of CRM before running the install. Follow the wizard through and re-start IIS or re-load metadata.

You require a MS SQL user/password (typically sa) to install the metadata during the install.

If you have a license before installing you can enter this when installing.

If you need to manually update your license the following method is available.

New to version 5.1 and later is the ability to apply patches and minor updates from within CRM. Even when doing a new full install you should check for a patch.

CRMCodedPath (CodedPath) setting

If your system does not allow http requests from with IIS to an outside/external address you can set the internal address within the web config

<add key="CRMCodedPath" value="" />

sample value



 <add key="CRMCodedPath" value="http://yourserver/crm/" />
  **Note that the eware.dll/gp part is NOT in the value
  *requires CRM setting IPAddressChecking to be disabled – this is in the registry
  * (NO LONGER REQUIRED FROM VERSION that Browser Session Security to be disabled - this is in CRM

To do this.... 1. Open Sage CRM > Administration > System > System Behaviour 2. Ensure "use browser session security" is disabled 3. Logout 4. Login and now you should not have this problem.

See Jeffs article on security and how to change these values

If you are installed on a Sage CRM version <2017 then you need to manually install some icons Details are here

Manual Install of License The license for the Accelerator Platform is stored in the "../CustomPages/SageCRMWS/web.config" file.

This file can be edited via any text editor.

The Key value is shown as follows:

   <add key="SageCRMAcceleratorLicense" value="NEYSu1WEtFsjkfreSknrbiYhmvO2Wq+3wBEGGAhhOEw="/>

The default license is for one (1) user for trial purposes only and is not included in any purchase. Please do not install on a live environment prior to any purchase as we cannot provide support without a purchase.

From 4.3 the licensing has changed and the default license is

   <add key="SageCRMAcceleratorLicense" value="RRpvWW2H7F/TP1x+8JPom6YvLHXTdmVcRW8wVKenpcY="/>

To update your license replace the value setting with the license provided

     <add key="SageCRMAcceleratorLicense" value="yourlicensehere"/>
  • Note: If you are running MSSQL 2012 and you need to set this setting as follows after installation:
  <add key="sqldatetimeformat2" value="o"/>

To install the Outlook add-in for users who do not have permissions.

You may have to elevate the user to allow installing the add-in.

Before doing that try the following:

1. Close Outlook 2. Run the install as an admin user (Run as administrator) - this installs the files 3. Open file explorer 4. Navigate to the CRMTogether install folder . Usually

   C:\Program Files (x86)\CRM Together\OutlookAddIn 

5. Double click on the file


and this kicks off the one-click install and this usually works for non-admin users


If you are upgrading to 4.2 you will need to manually merge any changes to the web.config file.

With 4.3 there is a utility shipping with the install (called KDiff) that prompts the person installing to merge any changes. If KDiff is not installed on the system already it will prompt to install it. Care must be taken though to ensure that the web.config file is not broken as this will break the system. If there is an issue re-install and do a manual merge of the files.

In order to prevent the addin from being disabled by Outlook, the following keys are added on install:

    Outlook\Resiliency\DoNotDisableAddinList, DWORD = “CRM Together Outlook Add On”, sets value to 1 
    Outlook\Resiliency\AddinList, DWORD = “CRM Together Outlook Add On”, sets value to 1, 

These registry keys and values are documented by Microsoft in the following link:


Installing the Office add-on tools

To install on Citrix you must log on the users as domain admins, run the install once them remove the user as domain admin.

Common install issues

1. Configuration error - Unrecognized attribute "requestValidationMode".

Issue is that the wrong version of .Net is against the CRM application pool in IIS

Set the apppool as follows:

  • If the .Net 4.0 version is not available in the selection you need to install this version of the framework.

Silent install of the outlook client (Useful to roll out via group policy)

  SetupAcceleratorOutlookAddin.exe IISAutoLogon=N / /silent /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

Mail Merge

  CustomMailMerge_Setup.exe /silent /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

Terminal Services Client Installs

You should select the option to only install for the current user.

The current user must have rights to install the app (you may have to temporarily put them in the domain admins group). DO NOT "runas..." as this will only install the keys for the "runas..." user.

Web Services Setup

Make sure that the CRM url can access the CRM web service



After installing Accelerator, open web.config, which is located in "../CustomPages/SageCRMWS/web.config", and add your CRM Path to value of the key "GatewayCRMPath":

   <add key="GatewayCRMPath" value=""/>

This is needed for Bookmarks and other features to work properly